Hello loved one
This is just a short stop. Today is celebration day. 3/4 of my challenge is behind me and only 25 days is before me. 1/4 remains; and then what?
I plan to stick with my routines. I feel great about them. Some of my initial routines have been forgottten thou those that mean something to me remains. This is my usual morning routine now:
¤ wake up
¤ drink 1 litre of water
¤ hatha yoga
¤ dry brushing (on weekends)
¤ cool shower/bath
¤ green smoothie breakfast (usually spinach, cucumber and fresh herbs, sometimes avocado)
¤ usally sallad for lunch and dinner with lots of greens
¤ raw snacks (I am not even tempted by anything less)
¤ >90% fresh raw food, <10%>95% raw
¤ 4 litres of filtered water with NaHCO3 and H2O2 (3 of 4 with nettle powder)
¤ 6-8 hours of sleep
¤ excersice 3-4 times per week (outside of morning yoga)
¤ 50-75% organic (depending on availibility)
The last days have been bringing me some concern, thou I have been eating well, high in greens. I had a high fever pitch Sunday evening (9th) reaching 40,4 C (104 F). On Monday it was gone by lunch. I also had a stinging feeling three times when I had a pee. Felt a bit like urethritis, thou after the third time the feeling disapeared. I also got a headache Sunday evening which peaked on Monday at noon yet I still have a slight feeling of pain when I shake my head lightly. My mouth feels sore, my teeth feels weak and brittle and my feces are a bit runny (sorry for bringing that up). I all changed on Sunday when a did a delayed waterfast (forgetting Saturday was Saturday). There is no good explanation for this except one that I can see.
Last week most food I ate was biodynamicly grown and locally produced. The food that did not fall into this category was at least organic. I got plenty of sleep, sunlight and water and excellent nourishment for my mind and soul as well. On Saturday I had a conventionally grown raw dinner and went to sleep... woke up on Sunday fasting. And by 6 pm I was starting to feel the first signs of fever - aching muscles. By nine I had my top score. My mouth and teeth (and also a sore on the lip) started to detoriate on Tuesday rather fast. From nothing to much in one day.
My only explanation is the food. Now I'm back home and the availibility of biodynamic food is non-existent and organic is between 50-75% of what I eat. Locally grown organic is almost non-existent as well, so most of that is shipped. I hope my body readjust fast. Still I'd rather have what I had last week. Thou I now have a new target, a new goal. Just have to find a creative way to get there. Move to the food or move the food to my store?
Today I'm grateful for the rain and having my sister on visit from Marocko. I love her very much.
What have life given you today that you can use in an empowering way tomorrow?
Infinite love and excellent health
your servant
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