Saturday, September 5, 2009
DAY ONE HUNDRED - short rapport

Hello love,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
DAY EIGHTYTWO - peace and love
Is like loving me
It just comes naturally
And naturally
Like I knew you where the one
Brighter than the sun
Like I knew you where the one
We love each other
/Slow Train
Today I ate my lunch in nature. It was soothing and I am now returning to "life".
I feel strong, calm and centered.
It's been a while so this is what I've been eating today so far.
1 litre of filtered alkalised water with nettlepowder
0,75 litres of green smoothie (250 g spinach, 1/2 cucumber, parsley, water)
1 litre of filtered alkalised water with nettlepowder
1 large salad (150 g leafy greens, 3/4 cucumber, sesame seed sprouts and avocado) plus
1 small tomato/zuchini salad (with olives, olive oil, sea salt and sundried tomatoes)
It's now 2 pm and I'm soon having another litre of filtered alkalised water with nettlepowder.
Today sunshine earns my greatest gratitude award :)
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Monday, August 17, 2009
DAY EIGHTYONE - visions of tomorrow

As I opened my eyes I saw before me the glade where the kids used to play. Now they had walked with their mother to the gardens to prepare lunch. It was close to noon and I was starting to feel hungry. The sun was sprinkleing thru the leaves of the treas and the air was warm. A soft gust of wind made the leaves dance and the spots from the sun wink at me as I looked up. Something moved in the tree, probably a bird. I sat there for a while just staring. And then I moved my eyes to the glade and the small houses made of clay and wood surrounding it. I looked at the people working, relaxing and playing. About 20 persons divided in 6 families lived there, with only the most necessary contact with society.
The glade was really a permaculture garden filled with eatables. Right next to the glade, to the south and west, where the biodynamic allotments and on the east side was the lake. North of the small settlement was the fruit forest. It was also a cultivated forest made up of fruit trees, bushes with berries and nut trees. A couple of hundred meters to the northwest was the well. Pure spring water that flowed from the base of the ridge that streched from northeast to the west. Further south the landscape was more hilly and rough. I sat there with my own thoughts and didn't hear them comming. Suddenly someone put their hands over my eyes. I shrugged from the sudden occurance and tried to turn around. The person behind me danced along as I swung my body back and forth a couple of times and then she started to laugh.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
DAY SEVENTYFIVE - biodynamic effects?

Hello loved one
Sunday, July 26, 2009
DAY FIFTYNINE - the C.O.W.S. plan

Monday, July 20, 2009
DAY FIFTYTHREE - do it right the first time!
thanks for the sunshine you bring to my life.
A few days ago I decided to listen in (again) on an outstanding webinar called "100 day challenge" with Gary Ryan Blair (from which my challenge originated, I find some of the knowledge shared in that webinar very profound for me and thought I'd share it with you. This is the philosophy:
Do it right the first time is not about being perfect.
It's about changeing perspective and improving your performance.
So pay attention to your behavour - it never lies! Find out when/where flaws occur, work proactively to adress these flaws in your behaviour so quality performance can take place.
Why then?
Because failure is more expencive than quality. It costs having to do the job again. For me meaning to have to set up for a new 100 day challenge similar to this one. I want to improve and add on in the next one, not do it all over. So I'm implementing a new strategy:
T.N.T - Today, Not Tomorrow
When is the best time to start fresh? When is the best time to eat raw? When is the best time to improve my health? When is the best time to resolve a crisis?
The answer is given; today, not tomorrow. Simple and powerful. Also success attracts people and oppertunities which impacts life positively. Success allows for the expansion of options, and network. And success builds good reputation and credability. Doing it right the first time grows boldness and confidence which allows for greater action. Doing it right the first time demonstrates values that leads to success and inspires to take on greater challenges with supreme confidence and boldness. So (apart from T.N.T) I will:
1) Raise my standards
2) Implement best practices
3) Set challenging goals (done)
4) Make excellence a core value
To clearify point four I also have to include the wise words of a bloved friend on excellence.
"I think one of the things that has helped me in my life is learning the difference between Excellence and Perfection... Perfection is usually this mark that I can never reach but excellence... well, excellence is a worthy and achievable goal."
I like her words. They're so simple. So down to earth, they just jump into your heart and makes you realise the simplicity of it. Excellence is a n achievable goal, perfection is beyond reach.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Friday, July 17, 2009
FIFTY DAYS - 50% challenge and 100% HAPPYNESS
and congratulations to me. I have made it thru the first half of the game, or my 100 day Ultimate Health Challenge. Looking in the rear view mirror it have been an easy trip after all. I have had a few days with some cravings, thou I can count them on one hand. I have slipped once eating bread with margarine, and once eating a cookie. Both times I have failed to focus on why I'm doing this and have instead focused on the feeling of communion eating "ordinary" foods gives. Still after both sidesteps I have had no problem getting back on the waggon again, and I haven't beaten myself up about it. I feel strong in my new daily routines, even thou I do not get in bed in time and have been a bit lazy getting up in the mornings lately (after all it's vacation time). Still I do my routines and eat my divine raw food, and I L-O-V-E doing it!
Perhaps I should have been celebrating more today, yet I have been very grateful today, very loving and very hamonious. So I feel no need to party. Acctually had a dance party all by my self day 48 so that can be an early celebration. I had these enourmous feelings of love and gratitude comming over me I danced and I cried and I screamed. I had so much positive energy just wanting to come out. And I did let it out. :D
Today I'll be breef and post a blogpost I read on nutrition regarding kidney failure and baking soda. Here it is. Enjoy!
"New research by British scientists suggests pHour Salts - sodium bicarbonate - otherwise known as baking soda - can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.
The simple household product used for baking, cleaning, bee stings and acid indigestion is so effective it could prevent patients having to be put on kidney machines, the results show.
Around three million people in the UK suffer from chronic kidney disease, which may have a number of causes.
The condition ranges in severity from a mild degree of poor functioning to complete kidney failure.
Seriously affected patients may have spend time each day on a dialysis machine which takes over the function of the kidneys.
An estimated 37,800 patients in the UK receive renal replacement therapy, which may involve dialysis or a kidney transplant.
The cost of looking after kidney failure patients soaks up 3% of the entire NHS budget. On average, every patient on dialysis costs the NHS £30,000 per year.
The pilot study conducted at the Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, was the first controlled test of the treatment in a clinical setting.
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "sodium and potassium bicarbonate with magnesium and calcium carbonate has shown positive affects in hyper-alkalizing the tissues and organs and thus reversing many acidic symptomologies such as kidney dysfunction."
The findings have been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology."
Source: (posted today)
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
DAYS FORTYSEVEN AND FORTYEIGHT - what if everything we know about digestion is wrong?
most welcome to today. Today has great value. Today has the greatest value.
"Yesterday is a cancelled check; forget it.
Tomorrow is a promissory note; don't count on it.
Today is ready cash: USE IT!"
Be sure to spend it well. And be present!
I had a wonderful, free, outdoor, calm lunch today with Mother. Mother Nature that is. She gave me lunch at noon. Cherry leafs and cherries with wild strawberries (smultron in Sweden). It was delicious. I'm very grateful for her kindness and abundance. She even invited me to come tomorrow as well. I think I will. I'm very gratefull and filled with love today. Happy, happy, happy!
These last two days have been exciting in another way as well. Me and my great friend Pierre ( just started a new community for rawfooders in Sweden and the Nordic countries. It's in swedish, yet norwegan and danish works fine as well. The basic idea of the community (GreenRoomSverige) is to bring rawfooders from Sweden and other Nordic contries togehter to stimulate growth and prosperity within the raw community. The aim is to create an island of union among rawfooders, a collage of knowledge for those interested in embarking on the raw journey and to share information on real life meetups/lectures/events. I have noticed, living alone with my rawness in a "cooked" environment, that feeling a spirit of togetherness is important. To be part of something. To share values, lifestyle and foods with others are as much a cultural as a social behavour. Several times I have strayed from eating raw foods towards "normal" foods just to realise I want to eat raw. Thinking about is afterwards I have several times concluded it was not because I wanted the food itself I ate it. I wanted a sence of communion. I wanted to feel unity with the people I surround myself with on a daily basis. It is true that who you spend time with is who you become. So then there are three options.
1/ change back (not an option really :) )
2/ change others (impossible, they have to change themselfs, thou you can lead the way)
3/ change your peer group ( whatever group of people that you care what they think about you and who you often spend time with).
So obviously option three is the best way, for this you can control. Yet it's hard to find alike people when it comes to raw food. Normally people don't wear T-shirts saying "I'm a rawfooder" (unfortunately - there should be a "law" :D ) And from the number of rawfooders in Sweden (outside the big cities) you probably would be alone waering that shirt anyway. So GreenRoomSvergie is a way to connect people in Swden and the Nordic countries. To creat new peers, new relationships and a feelings of belonging and unity.
Monday, July 13, 2009
You're welcome - as always. Today is day fortysix and I'm having a very good day. I had an outstanding run this morning to work. 7,5 k and the morning sunshine. It was very beautiful. Emotionally I'm very grateful today, and happy. My raw journey goes on...
Day fortyfour - saturday - was waterfasting day. It passed easily as well. I like waterfasting this day. One day is easy and it really helps to stay away from junk food treats (even raw ones). I might add juicing in after these 100 days.
I read this interesting article today; The Healthiest Foods On Earth by Jonny Bowden. Now I don't agree with all things in the article and above all I believe there are different stages of health. But YES, the core message is clear and I agree on that;
"The only thing these diets have in common is that they're all based on whole foods with minimum processing... Whole, real, unprocessed food is almost always healthy, regardless of how many grams of carbs, protein or fat it contains.
All these healthy diets have in common the fact that they are absent foods with bar codes. They are also extremely low in sugar. In fact, the number of modern or ancient societies known for health and longevity that have consumed a diet high in sugar would be ... let's see ... zero." (my emphasis added)
I still believe animal protein leads faster down the inevitable road to death than a whole-food plant based diet , yet if you consume meat in it's raw state from "free" animals (i.e. not keept indoors and not feed strange foods or chemicals) and eaten fresh you're a whole lot better of than eating the meat sold in your local food market.
Yet no matter how you look at it the averange american meal contains between 750 000 000 to 1 000 000 000 pleomorphic pathogenic microrganisms whilst the average vegan meal consisting only of plant foods contain less than 500 pleomorphic pathogenic microrganisms. So vegan, raw and low sugar is still preferred for a longer, healthier and more energized life.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Friday, July 10, 2009
DAY FORTYTHREE - paradise is where you are!
In divine love and sound health
Thursday, July 9, 2009
DAYS FORTYONE AND FORTYTWO - what if we got it all wrong?
I salute your presence. I feel your love. It flows thru you, thru me. I'm grateful for your decision to come. And I want you to know; no matter what you do, where you are and how you feel, someone loves you - always.
To day and yesterday have passed by slowly and easily. I've been feeling a bit low and perhaps that's why I've been eating more high sugar fruits. Sugars offset opiopates in the brain that makes us feel good, which really makes sugar an addictive toxin. Toxin because sugar is acid. Acid is dis-ease, low energy and death. There are seven stages of acidosis.
1) Enervation (loss of energy)
2) Sensitivity (allergies and asthma)
3) Secretion/irritation (mucous build up, that protects the body from acids)
4) Inflamation (localised acids)
5) Induration (crystalized acids, i.e. stones and solid acid waste, including fat)
6) Ulceration
7) Degeneration (cancer, MS and other degenerative diseases that break down the cells of the body)
All stages are protecting the body from death and helps the blood to maintain it's proper pH at 7,365. In order to maintain the pH of the blood the body will do whatever it takes to neutralise acid waste. It will...
...retain water to dilute acids.
...retain fat to store acid waste when it cannot be eliminated thru the for channels of elimination (urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration).
...create cholesterole to protect the arthery walls from acid damage.
...prematurely clot to protect the body from internal bleedings.
...leach minerals from other body tissues as bone (calcium) or muscle (magnesium) tissue to neutralise acidity.
...form tumour to encapsulate morbid cells and protect the body from acid waste products thereof.
Then what is alkalinity? Simply stated, it's free electrons - it's electricity. These electrons create an electrical charge and this is the fuel of the body. All functions of the body are electrical impulses. Muscle movement, thought, metabolism and so on. That's why raw food is so powerful. It's has a negative charge creating good alkaline energy for the body. And the sooner you eat the raw food after it's been picked the better since the charge starts to drop as soon as the food loses contact with mother earth.
This aligns sound with the phenomena of grounding as well. Grounding is "contact with mother earth". And naturally it cannot happen with an isolating element between you and our mother. This has been proven and measured in research (since electricity is easy to measure). Grounding allows nature to provide to you electrons than will heal and energise you, just like alkaline foods will. For the human body is alkaline by design, it runs on electricity. And just like with an alkaline battery, the alkalinity of the body will determine the endurance and health of the body.
And there is more to come...
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I have a confession to make. Yesterday I learned a great lesson about my self and my body. As I look in the rear view mirror I see I haven't been focused enough these last few days. I havn't really noticed myself, still I can feel it inside looking back. I lost my drive and I let my surrondings take control of me. This was a big mistake, yet ending up as I did was a valuable lesson and the incident have perhaps made me even stronger and more convinced in what I am doing and for what reason. So if you haven't already figured it out; I had two sandwiches with magarine yesterday (for sure you figured out I had sandwiches with margarine, probably even the brands ;) ).
Lets begin where it all began, 9.30 am. Coffee break (which I usually skip). The cafeteria was close (is still for four weeks) so my colleagues (those not on vacation) bought bread and toppings. They made coffee and made our conferance room cozy (not really) and they even bought me a couple of bananas. So far so good, yet I usually skip this "meal" for two reasons. First, I'm most often not hungry at this time of the day, and if I am I usually have a good drink of water which will last me until noon. Second, I haven't dealt with my issues regarding my weakness for bread (texture mostly), yet I thougt it'll be ok for I haven't had any craving for anything except raw food for the last two, three weeks. At first everything went on fine, then suddenly, from a clear blue sky, lightning struck me and I got this urge for bread. I was obvisously not ready and totally out of focus. I didn't have any then thou. But I just couldn't let go of those thoughts of biting into a nice slice of bread. By 5 pm I did, twice. I had two slices of white bread with magarine, felt fine and went home. Had 1 litre of green smoothie with avocado and without fruit (partially to compensate for alkalinity, partially because I like it) at seven and that made me feel a bit strange, as if someone plugged my intestines (duh(!), of course I did). After about half an hour I started to feel really tired, REALLY tired. And nausea. I was so close to throwing up. I didn't. I read my son a bedtime story and fell asleep beside him. At midnight I woke up, went into the kitchen and had a litre of water (as I usally do by bedtime) and went to bed. I had to get up immideately. It felt like the water was running up my throat. As if nothing was changed since the smoothie, I still felt plugged. After a while things setteled and I want back to bed. I managed to fall asleep with some pain in my stomach and a very unpleasant feeling of nausea.
During the night I woke up several times as water rose from my stomach, thru my throat and into my mouth. It was not a good feeling for sure. I always put sodium bicarbonate in my water to alkalise it so the water wasn't sour, thou it had that yucky taste from hydrocloric acid. Once I got up and had hlaf a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. I rinced my mouth thoroughly and swallowed. That seemed to help. After a 11 hours (from falling asleep the first time) I woke up and felt as any other day, thou I felt a bit stiff at my morning yoga.
What did I learn from this experience then?
First and foremost, keep you mind closed from outer influences. Don't loose focus of your objective. By doing so you open your mind for outer influence which might intrefere with your plan.
Second, 40 days on +95% raw and high alkaline is enough to make the body vunerable for acidic processed foods.
Third, I'm so not ready to sit down at breakfast yet with my colleagues. And honestly I don't know if I really want to. Thou I really have to work on my psycological "need" for bread. Lucky me a have a few good technichs in my back pocket, like the scrambleing pattern technich (NLP) or the switch pattern technich (NLP as well). Fast and simple. Just make sure you are present, have a quiet calm place and some time.
The scramleing technich is really simple. Do you remember any situation you don't feel so great about. Perhaps even very unconfortable with. Get a clear picture of it in your mind Like a movie. Feel it, smell it and hear it as well. Get as associated with it as possible (even thou it's a bit painful - yet not pain not gain as they say). Now play that movie backwards, and forward, and backwards again, make funny sounds/noises appear, funny colours, fun music (perhaps some cartoon music). Keep playing the movie backwards and forwars, faster and faster and faster. Speed up the sounds as well. Hear those words with comming out with a Micke Mouse voice. Laugh! Repeat this for a few minutes. Now think of the situation. How does it make you feel? Better? Repeat again for a few minutes. Now you have scratched your memory like a scratching a record. It just doesn't play the same tune any longer. If not pleased with your outcome, repeat until you are.
The switch pattern is also a simple task. Picture and get really associated with something you'd like to change your image about. If it's a food (as in my case) picture yourself eating it, the texture, taste and smell. How does it feel? What feelings do you feel? Now picture something that makes you feel really disgusted. Get REALLY associated with it. Feel it. How does it make you feel? Really bad? Low? Humiliated? Any feeling of fear is good. Focus on that feeling really hard. Now picture the thing you'd like to change your feeling about and associate with it once again. Then bring in those bad feelings. Make them flood you. Now back to your food/thing. And back to those negative feelings again. Back to the food/thing. And negative feelings. Repeat this for ta couple of minutes. Be very present. Now check you success. Picture the food/thing. What do you feel? Negative feelings? Repeat again if your not pleased with your outcome. It may take a few times.
Today I'm very grateful for this lesson I've learned. I'm thankful for getting myself to take action in doing the switch pattern on my bread addiction. I love myself for taking care of me. I love my family and I love you my friend. I feel Gods love circulating in my life. I feel blessed.
Live long and live strong!
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
How do you feel? I feel excited! Yesterday I passed another magic limit. I'm now one third into my challenge and it feels absolutely great! Yesterday I also listened to a very interesting webinar on the importance of pH.
If you'd like to hear it, and it is very profound, go to
and register.
It's absolutely free. So what are you waiting for? The series are almost all the way thru so I suggest you go and listen within a few weeks.
My suggestions are primarely
> Importance of pH
> Water
You can also listen to the seminar that sparked this challenge of mine; 100 day challenge.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Monday, June 29, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009
DAY THIRTY - waterfasting again (and DAY TWENTYNINE)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
DAY TWENTYEIGHT - good foods of my choice
and welcome you in gratitude. What have been excellent for you today? My day have been great in many ways. I have had time to do my morning routines and have gotten into a new habit of doing green smoothies in the morning. I spent time in the sun and allowed my body to soak some of that pure energy. I went for a run after work and finished of with some strength training. Had a dandileon/carrot/celery juice afterwards and some watermelon. I'm very grateful for the outstanding health choices I have made today. I'm gateful for the sunlight. I love being able to do my morningyoga outdoors. And I love my kids, my family, my friends, you, me and "the Force" (or God, Allah, the Universe if prefered).
Today I have had great meals and a rather low fruit intake (2 bananas, 1 peach and 6 slices of watermelon) Apart from that I have been eating highly alkalising foods and a lot of wildly harvested greens. I'm very exited about tomorrow, for then I will continue my journey. I long to live every day.
I thought I'd post some pics today of foods I have been eating the past 28 days. Enjoy.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
DAYS TWENTYSIX AND TWENTYSEVEN - the power of feelings on your health
I so happy to be alive, I'm feeling so vibrant and so grateful. I love. I'm loved.
These last two days have past by without anything special to report. I have been gratefully following my program and have had a bit less "sweets" and more greens. I feel great about it. I have been picking a lot of wild foods, like dandileon leafs, clover leafs and Common Plantain leafs. Had some on my kale salad today, and some more just an hour ago in a wild green smoothie. I feel very energised at the moment. I have made my "new" daily routine a habit I feel, mostly since I feel I need to do it to feel good. If I miss my morning yoga for some reason I always take some time at lunch to stretch.
I assume we can agree on the importance of food to gain better health, yet I belive there is a whole lot more to it. I belive health is built from four cornerstones.
1) Positive thinking/feelings
2) Diet
3) Excercise
4) Meaning/spirituality
I will go thru them all over the upcomming posts, starting with 1).
Positive thinking/feelings
This is the most important thing you can do to creat health in your live;
have an positive outlook on things!
First, you have to realise YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FEELINGS. I'll say it again, for it is that important:
You have the power to choose what you want to feel, and therefor you own you feelings. Noone but you can make you feel bad, glad or sad. To bad we wheren't born with a manual to our brain. Yet the answer is out there and within yourself.
Understand, and realise, you own your thoughts. You may have lend them to another authority yet know that you can reclaim them back at any time you choose. So in order to reclaim the power over your own thoughts you have to start doing some simple things, things that don't call for greatness of mind, physical strength or health. This is the key:
1) Control your focus.
What do you see, hear, speak, think about? This is step one. You have to redirect your focus. What can I focus on that will empower me? What gives me hope and joy? Who do I love?
2) Interpret what you focus on in a positive way.
How is this good? How can I use this? How does this make me grow?
It's that easy! For the brain can only focus on one thing at every single moment.
I was feeling really bad and depressed this winter. I felt my life was useless and without meaning. I didn't love myself. So I took action by doing these simple two things. I changed my focus and started to tell myself the good report of what I experienced. I started to tell myself "I love me", a clear change of focus from my former "I'm not enough". At first it felt a bit odd, now I know I'm not worth anything less.
So, how does a positive attitude affect your health, except from feeling great. For sure your body's health affect the emotions of your mind. Yet also do your thoughts and feelings affect the health of your entire body. Bottom line, your mental state is critical, and probably the most important thing for the health of your body.
Every function of the body creates metabolic acids, therefor an alkaline diet is crusial. Still your emotions - or mental state - if it's negative, can create more metabolic acids than acidic foods eaten. "In fact, you can create two or three times more metabolic acids from your thoughts or your mental and emotional state than from ingesting highly acidic dairy, animal protein, sugar or alcohol." (1)
How does it work then?
"When you have a thought or say a word, it requires electrical or electron energy for the brain cell(s) to produce those actions. And as you carrying on with that thought, you are burning or consuming energy. And when you are consuming energy in your thoughts, you are producing a biological waste product called acid and an energetic acidic waste product which can be measured in hertz and decibels. Next, if the metabolic acids from your thoughts are not properly eliminated... then the acids from your thoughts are moved out into your connective and fatty tissues." (1)
What does this mean to your health?
"As the excess and overload of metabolic acid from your emotions are thrown out into the body tissues, this can easily lead to all sorts of symptomologies: lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, muscle pain, fatigue, tiredness, obesity, cancerous breasts, cancerous prostate, cancerous stomach and/or bowels, indigestion, acid reflux, heart burn, heart attacks, and the list goes on and on." (1)
The greatest problems can arises with our habitual feeling, if they are negative. Locate you habitual feelings by writing down all your feelings during a week, notice feelings that are constantly recurring, espessially negative ones. Why and when do they arise? How are these feelings usefull for you? What need do they help you fill? For example if you get angry a lot that might be a way for you to meet your needs for significance, connection and security. This is probably a strong feeling for you then. So ask; how can I meet these needs in a more empowering way? Can I do a positive empowering feeling and still accomplish the same feeling of significance, connection and security? Can I solve the problem that made me angry/sad/irritated in a positive way?
"Emotions are energy in motion. When you are (e)motional, you are energetic, either in a positive or negative way. And if you are energetic in your (e)motions, you are literally energy in (e)motion. You are now producing metabolic acids at a very high rate which is a waste product of such (e)motions that will make you sick, tired and depressed... On the other hand, positive (e)motions, such as love, peace, hope, faith, joy, forgiveness and charity can be alkalizing to the blood and tissues. These (e)motions require far less energy in motion and can cause you to be relaxed in your mind and stop the playing of an acidic movie in your head. Students of higher consciousness know that you can even enter into a state of bliss wherein you have no thoughts and wherein you are producing no metabolic acid." (1)
So relaxing your mind is aslo a good way to get into better health. Good and positive feelings are soothing to the mind. This is where you need to focus. What is good about this? Ask this question always. Anthony Robbins have five excellent and empowering questions for solving problems:
1) What is great about this problem?
2) What is not perfect yet?
3) What am I willing to do?
4) What am I willing to stop doing?
5) How can I enjoy the process?
Also practicing calming breathing is an outstanding way to relax your mind. I use my five fives twice daily;
breath in for 5 seconds, hold 5 seconds, breath out for 5 seconds and hold for 5 seconds, repeat 5 minutes.
The span of one breath is not that important, find a time that is soothing and comfortable. Feel how energy flows and love surrounds you. Focus on your breathing...
Today I'm grateful for having these miracle gifts in my life; I can
I love YOU, and me.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
(1) Young Life - Young Energy - Young Love: E-mail from dr. Robert Young dated 19 June 2009
To learn more about the science of Dr. Robert go to:
Monday, June 22, 2009
DAY TWENTYFIVE - and some catching up
my fellow carrier of the divine love it is time to act. Go out into the world and give the message of love to all and everyone. I cannot tell you how, for you know your heart better than I. Follow it and it will tell you. Your soul is a part of the divine love of the universe and therefor always know the answer. Get connected to your soul and listen carefully to your inner voice. You know every answer, and every question.
Today I made day twentyfive on my challenge for ultimate health a reality! WOOHAA! I feel very good about it. I feel uplifted and strong. I feel loving and grateful. I feel unstoppable - almost...
I had a few really bad cravings this Saturday during my waterfast and I can only refeer that to high consumption of sweet fruits and cashews during the week and especially during Friday (we celebrated midsummer this day). I managed to steer clear this time and saved my emotional eating for Sunday and today. I haven't eaten cashews since and will try to keep away for a while. I will also try to grab an alkalising snack instead. This evening I made a small ginger bread dessert with dates, almonds, cinnamon, clove, ginger and cardamon. It reminded me of Christmas (usually we only eat this combination of spices during Christmas season) and I thought; how great is that. Now I don't have to worry about wanting those delicious ginger bread cookies, I'll just make my own. Then I had a small sallad and since I still felt a little snacky I had som rasberry sorbet (home made with just rasberries, nothing else added). I see this pattern of wanting to snack all evening so I better get some healthier snacks ready, like carrot sticks, cucumber slices, paprika slices ect. and some delicious and nutritious avocado dip. Ouh! Better get my mind on something else than food. Perhaps some soul food.
I'm ready to continue my challenge. The next seventyfive days are going to be even better. I'm gonna make sure they are. I will keep posting thoughts, knowledge and love as usual. No worries.
For now this is it. I feel obliged to end todays notes with something one of my more outstanding friends wrote in a blog post today. Something that resonated so deep and in harmony in my heart it almost stopped. She wrote:
"Love Everyone, all the time. Even yourself. Love the mailman. Love your mom. Love George Bush. Love Osama Bin Laden. Love OJ. Love Jerry Springer. Love Ghandi. Love a solider. Love a thief. Love a rapist. Love a saint. Love a priest. Love a SAD eater. Love a widow. Love a child. Love a cow. Love a spider. Love a southerner. Love a westerner. Love someone who hates you. Love someone who loves you. Love a stranger. Love an old friend.
It is that simple. It is that hard."
Thank you Rachel for being you.
And thank YOU for reading todays post. I hope I sparked something inside that makes you want to make this world a little bit better place to be. Start within, start to love yourself and let it pour on the world. Then you will undoubtably live a miracle. For it is true, as Einstein concluded; either there are no miracles, or everything is a miracle. Make sure to live no less than what you deserve. You are a miracle. You are love.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Thursday, June 18, 2009
DAY TWENTYONE - live-give-love

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
DAY TWENTY - celebration
to me, to you and to the world. 20% done. I'm excited. Still, I still feel a bit low... I have been eating to much nuts these last few days and that makes me so tired in the evening. Thou I will get past this as well, it's probably an emotional cleanse. I have this beautiful friend (funny, I just have sooo many beautiful friends and I really love them all) and I read a comment she made in a discussion. She experienced severe emotional cleanse going raw and did overeat during this time, then her emotions settled at a good state and so did the eating. So I don't stress about it much, thou it's kind of dull to fall asleep putting your kids to bed (and still it's so cosy to fall asleep beside them). I'm sure the problem will resolve in the upcomming 30 days.
I haven't been celebrating much today, I'm saving it for the 25th day, thats one forth into my challenge. That's on Monday. I have to plan something. Something I like to DO. Hmmm.... gotta wake my inner child. What do I dream about doing...
First time I really understood the relationship between food and health was on an event in 2006. I know there was a relationship prior to this and I had changes some of my eating habits already, thou attending this event really made me grasp the great connection between the two. This event was the starting point for my current health journey.
I was not experiensing severe health issues, I had no cronic diseases (except for some slight inconvinience with asthma), no excess weight, no sickness or alike. Thou I had noticed that during the last years I had lost the energy and endurance I had when I was twenty. I could have accepted this fact of getting older, yet I didn't (and I'm glad I didn't). I remember thinking, "Twentysix is no age for feeling like this, I should have unlimited amounts of energy, an abundance of vitality and excellent endurance. Yet I don't. What is wrong?" This seminar answered some of my questions. And it really got me engaged in finding a solutin to my problem. I'm certain alkaline raw food is the answer. At least it has cured my asthma and created more energy and better endurance. Still I think I can get even more from it, since I haven't been totally true to my believes. I have been wasting my time, my money, my self asteem and a lot of credability among my friends. This challenge is here to change all that. To make me stay 100% raw and high alkaline.
The challenges I had, that made me start this journey in 2006, boils down to one thing really - getting enough nutrients into my body. This does not only mean eating sufficient amounts of nutrients. This also means that the body must be able to absorb and use the nutrients put into it. This is the root of ageing, the bodys lessened ability to absorb nutrients. That's why I believe in food combining and the alkaline diet.
Food combining helps the body absorb nutrients by not mixing food groups that interfer in digestion. For example fruits take two hours to digest, starches three, protein four... so mixing these might interfer with digestion and leave some parts of the food undigested. Undigested food have two problems. First problem is that all nutrients are not relesed, second is the fermentation of leftovers creating acid and possible bacterial and/or viral growt in the digestive tract. The second may damage the internal environment of the digenstive tract and therefor restrict the absorbtion of nutrients.
"The body is alkaline by design and acid by function", says Robert Young authour of the pH Miracle, so keeping the body in an alkaline state is essential for life. When the internal environment of the digestive tract becomes to acid it starts to get damaged. And if allowed to continue sooner or later we lose the ability to absorb nutrients. This weakens and ages the body in an increasing rate. For some persons an acid digestive tract leads to Chron's, IBS or even cancer. A good thing thou is the body's ability to heal itself. This is where an alkaline diet is most useful. Plentyfull of alkaline foods rich in chlorphyll is an excellent start.
So eating raw is for the nutrient content, eating alkaline is for the pH balance of my body and food combining is for best use of nutrients and a less stressful environment for the digestive tract.
Today I'm grateful for the abundance of sunshine present here today.
I'm grateful for having beautiful, healthy children (who have eaten raw supper with me yesterday and today, yay!)
I love moving my body, it's so light (thou I've never been overweight) and strong and lean.
I love myself for taking this challenge for real and I'm grateful for completing day twenty in an excellent fashion.
I'm also grateful for the time you took reading this. Thank you beloved.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
DAY SEVENTEEN - juicefasting
today I continued my waterfast with a juicefast. It wasn't really planned, I just felt like it during my waterfast day and it has been a good day. Espesially since we went to Linda's mum's place. For some reason there is always an abundance of bad food there and for some reason I always used to fall back there. Today was not such a day. I was persistent in keeping my liquid fast. Drinking 1 litre of water with nettlepowder and ½ litre of almond milk with vanilla (sweetened with stevia) made it an easy journey. Still I felt hungry when dinner was served. I still like the smell of tacos, and there are a lot of greens and veggies served along with it. Yet I believe that the sensation of hunger is more linked to emotions than real hunger. almost 30 years of conditioning can't be wiped away easily without an effort. Yet I believe it can be wiped out rapidly with the right technics, suck as NLP or NAC. It's all about conditioning a new empowering pattern. Then of course I have to reinforce it regularly. Next time I smell cooked foods, and onwards, I will focus on something that I dislike and that makes me feel awful. Like slaughter, dairy production, industrial processing of foods or chemical addatives. I was thinking manure, then I realised I don't dislike that. It's so good for the soil and good soil is essential for good foods. So I'll just focus on the commercial food industry and it's ways to make money on behalf of human and animal health.
I have felt very tired these last few days, sleeping about 8-10 hours a night. This is a good sign as I see it for sleep is rest and rest is healing. Besides sleeping a lot I have been working out at least 30 minutes every day these last days as well. Being on my fast have left me not powerless, but tired and in great need for rest. It is, to me, a great sign of healing. Tomorrow I'll break my fast even thou I feel excellent fasting this time. I was to remember fasting as an excellent thing. A good thing that I have notcied already having these weekly fasts is that I tend to eat more controlled (meaning not stuffing myself with foods) those other days of the week. Normally it tends to accelerate from first eating day until the day before the fast. So fasting helps me get back on track. I very grateful for this insight and grateful that I'm staring to love fasts.
I managed to get some time of the family today to read. So I finished reading "don't eat this book" by Morgan Spurlock. I was in tears. Tears of fear and tear of joy. I strongly recoment this book for anyone with the least intrest in how the modern economy and hunt for money devastates peoples lives. And also creates a resistant as people find out the truth. I encourage you to be a strong force and choose with your fork. For the sake of mankind.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Saturday, June 13, 2009
DAY SIXTEEN - waterfasting
and most welcome to this unique day. This day that will never return. What have you done to make this day rememberable? What have you done today to make this world a better place to live? In what ways have you given love to those around you? What is there in your life to be grateful for today? How have you improved the health and quality of your life today? Think of it...
These are my answers:
I have been waterfasting today to rest my digestive tract and let my body heal. I ran 7.8 k and did a short round of hatha yoga afterwards. I have been focusing on all good things in my life, like my family, that I have a roof above my head when it's cold and raining, good quality food on my table whenever I want it, loving friends, siblings and parents, a clear vision of my reason for being born and a plan for making it happen. These things creates ease on my mind and therefor improves my health. I'm also very grateful for all these things, especially all high quality relationships im co-creating. I'm grateful for the love circulating in my life and for the strength I feel in my body. I'm very thankful for obstacles appearing, for they make me grow. I have given love to my children by spending time with them, hugging, playing and telling them I love them. I have told my mother; I love you, when talking on the phone with her. I have made an effort to make this world a better place by giving love unconditionally to others and to myself, by being a friend and by giving myself the gift of healing.
Yesterday I stated I will by the end of this year have held at least 1 lecture on health and wellness. So I drew a brief plan before going to bed. This is what I need to do:
> Set a date fo the lecture
> Continue and complete my 100 days of health.
> Read, study and meditate on health, what it consits of and how it all fits together.
> Create a good motivating program, what and how.
> Market my lecture
> Book someplace to hold my lecture
Since it has been waterfast day today I feel very light and lean.
Tomorrow I will continue with one day of juicefasting since I feel the momentum of clensing.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Friday, June 12, 2009
I got the China Study in the mail today. I started to read right away and reading the introduction really scared me . Then I remembered this qoute from Ghandi and it filled me with a new hope. The truth is bound to rise above all lies. And it will. I believe that time is soon. Looking at what is happening in China and great parts of the South East Asian world today, when the multi international companies are entreing these contries will be sad, yet very interensting. I hope someone conducts a new study following up on the health consequenses of dairy and meat now beeing "forced" on these people. Sure they want to eat the best diet in the world - the western diet. It sur is superior, at least in creating cancer, autoimmune diseases, diabets, degenerative diseases, heart disease, allergies and so on. Who wouldn't want that? The western lifestyle IS superior in all was wrecking havoc within the body and outside. So exiting times are ahead of us. Within and outside our human body. Just remember, we are all one...
Anyway, I have lots of exiting reading ahead of me. I find books like this one very profound and reliable. For what reason? Well mostly because they look at the world thru the same science that most western studies do. They follow the rules of modern science. Yet in a way I'm staring to turn away from these kind of mass studies because they are impersonal. I love stories, personal achievements, breakthroughs, healings, turnarounds. From all these I can make a "study" myself. Then I always go to my heart and ask. What is true to me? My heart always provides the right answer, no matter what the wolrd thinks. That's why I do what I do. That's why I do this!
These last two days I have been eating to much, espesially nuts and sweets (sweet fruit and honey). I feel it in my body. I have been pondering about what makes me want to eat all the time. Boredom is a frequent answer. As is connection. And self destruction.
Boredom is easily cured in a positive with sports, conversations, games and/or any contributing action. I would like to host a series of lectures on health in my community, yet I'm not sure I'm ready yet. I have to make a list of things I need to prepare myself with and a timeline for accompishing those objectives. Right here and now; I will keep my first lecture before the end of this year. OMG, what did I just do... eh, well might as well get started. :)
This might solve the connection issue. I will have to connect, yet in a different way. I will have to find things I have in common with people to be able to get thru with my message in a profound way. I can also connect with nature more often, espessially during the warm season. (Thou the last days have been really cold and rainy, who did ever call this summer?).
When it comes to self destruction I have to find a way to see myself as a successful man istread of a failure, for I believe this is the main reason. Seeing myself as a failure (even unconsciously) makes me do things that sabotages my success. I have to find strong reasons, and focus on them. I have to change my picture of who I am and how I see myself. I really must call a friend who I believe can help me change these things in an mpowering way, and fast!
So starting now I will take time to write down a plan for getting to an even more successful state of mind, to make my inner call a reality and to connect in several ways on several plans with all the world and universe.
So I'm signing of to get some thinking and writing done. Tomorrow I'll be back.
In divine love and sound health
your servant
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hehe... today I got a call from kindergarden, had to pick up my daughter with fever.
Today it's a short post.
Briefly; no incidents. Stayed on track. Had a little surge for sweets this evening, so I made a raw dessert out of almonds, raisins, coconut oil, vanilla powder and cacao. Delicious!
Today I'm grateful about the positive energy flowing in my life at this precios moment.
Today I'm happy for having a loving family.
Today I'm exited about all new inspiering connections I have made thru my raw diet.
Today I'm in love with humanity and nature.
Before bedtime I invite you to a nightcap. I raise my glass of ginger/celery/carrot juice.
Let us drink to sound health and vibrant energy.
In divine love
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
DAY TWELVE - a good day in my life
I feel a bit tired today and will head of to bed soon. Just wanted to write a little about today. I have had an awsome day with great feelings and good choices. This day have been an exellent day from my current perspective. I will describe it as it have been to give you a glance of what my day to day living consists of at the moment.
5:40 Woke up five min before the alarm. Got up immediately and started my morning routines. I extended my yoga by five min and added a five minute eye workout. After my shower and helping to dress my daugther I had breakfast; almond/banana/blueberry smoothie in a bowl with nuts and seeds. I shared it with my two wonderful kids. They love this breakfast.
Then we biked to kindergarden. Tuesdays (and Wednesdays) I leave and pick up the kids. Icontinued to work and by nine I drank 1 litre of water. Had two meetings and then it was time for lunch: 75 g leafy sallads, 1 cucumber, 1 paprika, 1 tbsp rape seed oil, seasalt.
I ended my lunch with a 30 minutes brief walk. The weather was cloudy yet nice and cool. Perfect for brief walks. Worked some more until 3 pm and jumped on my bike to pick up the kids from kindergarden. On my way home I picked nettles and cloves for dinner. Spent some time barefooted in the garden caring for it and enjoying the sun, who came out from his hiding place behind the clouds. Kids were playing. I often play with them and love it.
At 5 pm I went in and made a raw meal for us. Cucumber, carrots, nettle/cloves/ginger/leek/honey/sunflower/sea salt/stevia seed dip, cauliflower, paprika. I had a small nettle soup in addition to the other foods. Then Linda (my common-law spouse and the mother of my children) came home. The clock was 6 pm and it was time for evening routines for the kids. Children's programme, pyjamas, tooth brushing, book, sleep.
8 pm I'm on the net to check in with my friends online and write this blog. Now, at 9.30 pm I will go and have a litre of pure alkaline water and spend some time with Linda before bedtime. God night and see you tomorrow.
Today I'm grateful for having made excellent eating choices, for spending an extra two hours with my kids and for having a lot of supportive friends around this globe. Thank you all.
In divine love
Monday, June 8, 2009
DAY ELEVEN - eating habits

Now that you know my daily routines(that are quite easy acctually) I thought I'd be a great idea to talk about what I aim to eat. I might also be good to tell you that these are the aims I have. I cannot do all these things living where I do at this point in time in a reasonable way so I do the best I can with what is possible and reasonable.
These are my eating aims:
1. Eat foods that are giving the most nutrients possible with the least amount of energy needed from the body. This means all meat, fish, poultry, dairy and chemicals are banned. Greens, vegetables and fruits, nuts, healthy oils and salt is my main focus. (I'll go deeper into this one in a later post looking at where I stand in nutrition and body chemestry.)
2. Eat foods that are organic or biodynamic and in peace with nature and locally grown. I choose first organic/biodynamic, second local, whenver possible and within reasonable prices. A huge problem for me is the avialibility of biodynamic foods, it's almost non-existent. Organic foods are easier, still a lot of things are not. Locally grown produce is easy during the summer and early autumn.
3. Eat living foods for a living body. Avoid foods heated above body temperature and frozen foods. Frozen and dehydrated foods I can have occasionally. I have no real need for dehydrated food. Sometimes I dry food (like sprouts) in room temperature, but not very often. Frozen is harder. During most of the year a lot of berries are not availible if not bought frozen. I also pick my own berries and to be able to eat all I have to freeze. So I choose fresh in season at the moment and if not aviailible I choose frozen. A solution is to not eat berries during non-season, yet I'm not prepared to take that step right now. Also processed raw foods is a second choice. I don't eat much of these, except cold pressed extra vigin oils.
4. Eat no more than 3 different foods at the same time that don't interfear with each other. Remenber to not mix certain food groups. (I will come back to this point in a later post.)
5. Eat about 500 g at each meal twice a day. This point has alot to do with healing and focusing on the right foods. At the moment I eat breakfast, lunch and an evening meal most days. Some days I snack, some days I replace a meal with a large juice. (I will treat this in a later post.)
6. Eat with the sky above my head and the grass beneth my feet, i.e. outdoors barefooted in nature. This point is really hard to do in Sweden during the cold season, 4-5 month. Some days, living a "normal" life, it can also be hard to do, yet I try to at least get skin contact with nature at least once every day. Most days I get barefooted and stroll in the grass. Other days I let my hand or my face touch the leaves of a tree or a bush. I breath and feel the unity. I try to eat at least one meal outside, most often it's the evening meal.
7. Eat slowly, chew each bite until liquid. Don't eat if emotionally upset. Breath and relax. I have a hard time doing this. In the morning I have to get to work or get up even earlier and I don't see that as an option at the moment, so I try to just relax and eat as slow as possible without feeling stressed out. Lunch at work is time flexible yet I like to get outside to take a walk after lunch and I don't want to have to work all evening. Normally I eat for about 45 minutes to an hour and try to enjoy the company of my colleges fully. Sometimes I get a bit stressed when I have a meeting after lunch. My evening meal is sometimes taken in with my family. And eating with kids can be a bit stressful. If eaten later (after kids bedtime) it's easier to focus and eat slowly. I try to remeber to focus on the good healing properties of the foods I eat. I don't always succed in this - yet.
8. Drink sufficient amounts of pure alkaline water. The body is made out of +70% water so drinking is important. I go by the rule 1 litre/15 kg (appx. 1 quart/30 pounds). This means about 4 litre (1 gallon) for me each day. I dring one litre upon arising in the morning, one litre in the morning (around 9-10 am), one litre in the afternoon (aroung 3-5 pm) and one litre just before bedtime. Drinking also helps in keeping cravings away. If I get craving I normally first have a big glas of water and wait for 15-30 minutes. If I still have cravings I try to choose something non-sweet. (I will come back to this in a later post.)
This is the eating habits I'd like to fully embrace. I cannot at the moment and if I'm really gonna be able to, I probably have to move to a warmer climate.
Today I had an attack of cravings just after lunch, which consisted of greens, apples, coconut oil and raisins. I got this surge for sweets and had some figs afterwards. That made my cravings even stronger and I had some more raisins and almonds. I really like the taste and didn't feel any guilt about it. It was all raw. Yet one to two hour after my meal I felt gassy and sluggish. I had this ache in my digestive tract. It lasted for about 4 hours. I had only a vegetable juice this evening. I'm very grateful for this experience. I learned to not mix nuts and sweets. I "knew" this before, yet today I really felt an emotional learning took place. I'm happy for that. I love what I'm experiencing. I love the learning and connection within myself. I love myself.
"love your neighbor as you love yourself"
I like this quote for it presuppose you love yourself in order to love your neighbor. More people should allow themselfs to love themselfs. Hug yourself and tell yourself; I love me. It is kind of strange in the beginnning, yet very uplifting and makes you elated after a few times.
I wish you a vibrant day, full of love, laughter and true gratitude. Tell the good word to others. Be a messanger of love and peace. Inspire and live.
In divine love